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A Winter Danger You Can’t Ignore

The frigid weather has arrived, and while many of us enjoy the winter wonderland, it’s crucial to be aware of the dangers lurking in the cold. Samantha Pauley, Director of Emergency Services, says one significant threat is frostbite.

“Frostbite is a condition that can cause serious and even permanent damage to the body. You can’t be too careful when you’re outside in January and February in Iowa.”

What is Frostbite?

Frostbite occurs when the skin and underlying tissues freeze. Pauley notes the beginning symptoms of frostbite can go by unnoticed.

“Frostbite typically starts with frostnip. This condition is characterized by a cold sensation followed by numbness. As the condition worsens, the affected skin may change color, becoming hard or waxy.”

Who’s at Risk?

Pauley explained that anyone who is outdoors during freezing weather could become a victim.

“Any exposed skin can be vulnerable in extremely cold, windy, or wet conditions. Surprisingly, frostbite can even occur on skin covered by gloves or clothing.”

Symptoms of Frostbite:

A common initial symptom of frostbite is numbness and tingling. Additional symptoms follow quickly according to Pauley.

“Skin becomes discolored. This could include patches of red, white, blue, gray, purple, or brown skin. The skin is also hard and waxy-looking. You could experience clumsiness due to joint stiffness, and pain and blistering after rewarming.”

Pauley also stated the fingers, toes, and the nose are the most vulnerable body parts to frostbite. 

“Our circulation originates from the core of our body. As a result, extremities like fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks, and chin receive blood supply last. This makes them particularly susceptible to frostbite.”

Stages of Frostbite:

As noted above, Pauley says the stages of frostbite can escalate quickly.

“After frostnip, which is the mildest form, moderate frostbite is where we see slight skin color changes. This can be followed by a warming sensation which is a sign of serious involvement. Rewarming may leave the skin patchy. Deep frostbite affects all skin layers and underlying tissues. Skin turns white or blue-gray. Large blood blisters may form. Tissue may eventually turn black and hard. Deep frostbite is a severe condition that can lead to tissue death and even the loss of limbs.”

What to Do if You Suspect Frostbite:

Pauley states that common sense should take over if you suspect you have frostbite.

“By all means, get out of the cold immediately and remove any wet clothing. If hypothermia is suspected, wrap the person in a warm blanket. Protect the injured area from further damage. Avoid walking on frostbitten feet or toes. Take a pain reliever, if needed, and drink only warm, non-alcoholic beverages.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

Moderate to severe frostbite is serious. Pauley recommends seeking medical help right away.

“If you are suffering intense pain after rewarming, definitely call 911 or come to the Emergency department. Should you experience other symptoms like intense shivering, slurred speech, or drowsiness or trouble walking, medical help is required. This is particularly true if you have any suspicion of hypothermia.

Prevention is Key:

Pauley says by dressing warmly in layers including a hat, gloves, scarf, and insulated boots, you can be prepared against any type of freezing weather.

“I’d also recommend avoiding getting wet in freezing weather. If you’re outside shoveling snow, skiing, ice skating, or joining in other activities, take frequent breaks in warm places. Be aware of the signs of frostbite and hypothermia.”

By understanding the risks and taking precautions, you can enjoy winter activities safely and avoid the dangers of frostbite.



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