We Care About Women's Health
Crawford County Memorial Hospital believes all women deserve high quality and comprehensive care. From annual exams to managing the symptoms of menopause, we are proud to offer personalized care for women.

Mammography Services
For more information, or to make an appointment, please contact the CCMH Radiology department at 712.265.2651.
2D or 3D: You Get to Choose
Basic Information on 2D & 3D Mammography
In 2D digital mammography, X-ray beams are captured on a specially designed digital camera and a computer to produce an image. Unlike film-based mammography, digital mammograms produce images that appear on the technologist’s monitor in a matter of seconds. The images are then sent electronically to the radiologist to review.
In 3D digital mammography (tomosynthesis mammography), high-powered computing is used to convert digital breast images into a stack of very thin layers or “slices,” building what is essentially a “3-dimensional mammogram.” This allows doctors to examine breast tissue detail one slice at a time to help find breast cancer at its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.
3D digital mammography complements standard 2D mammography and is performed at the same time using the same system. No additional compression is required and the process only takes a few seconds longer for each view. All of the images are then sent electronically to a radiologist to view.
With 2D digital mammography, the radiologist is viewing all of the complexities of breast tissue in a one flat image. Sometimes breast tissue can overlap, giving the illusion of normal breast tissue looking like an abnormal area.
3D mammography allows radiologists to view the breast tissue more clearly via one millimeter slices, so that they can provide a more confident assessment. The benefits to the patient include:
3D mammography is more likely to find cancers missed with conventional 2D mammography.
It reduces overall time spent at the doctor as there is less chance that a patient will be called back for a “second look.”
Younger women with dense breasts could potentially benefit the most. That’s because radiologists have a harder time picking out cancers in dense breasts, because both cancers and dense tissue appear as white on a mammogram. So far, however, studies haven’t proven that 3-D mammograms find significantly more cancers than traditional mammograms.
Because these are new tests, insurance companies do not cover them and may require patients to pay out of pocket for the additional imaging. CCMH asks that if you decide to have the 3D mammogram that you pay $50.00 up front before the exam.
From annual checkups to prenatal visits to specialized gynecologic care, Crawford County Memorial Hospital is a trusted partner for women’s health care services. We are a respected resource for information about issues that may present themselves in each stage of a woman’s life, including menstrual difficulties, menopause, hormone therapies, birth control, pregnancy plans or problems with intimacy.
Preventative Medicine & Wellness
A key to maintaining optimum health is getting routine gynecologic care and we emphasize a lifelong approach to wellness.
We offer the following services in a comfortable, nurturing environment:
- Pelvic exams
- Pap smears
- Blood work / urinalysis
- Breast exam
- Mammography
- Contraceptive counseling
- Other gynecologic screenings as needed
In Office Ultrasound
We offer advanced ultrasound imaging (two and three dimensional).
- 2-D ultrasounds show outlines and flat-looking images to see internal organs. They are helpful in diagnosing heart defects, issues with the kidneys, or any other possible internal issues.
- 3-D images show three-dimensional external images.
Women's Surgery
Endometrial Ablation
Endometrial ablation is an alternative procedure to a hysterectomy, used to control abnormal bleeding. This procedure is typically performed when abnormal bleeding does not respond to other treatments, childbearing is completed, and other medical problems prevent a hysterectomy. The in-office procedure typically takes approximately 45 minutes.
Non-Invasive Laparoscopic Hysterectomies
Non-invasive laparoscopic hysterectomies are a minimally invasive procedure where our doctors use specialized tools to perform a surgery. This approach typically results in less pain and scarring after the operation, and may lead to a faster recovery.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is best treated through surgery. These surgical procedures are designed to correct stress incontinence when weakened pelvic floor muscles allow the bladder to drop. These surgeries lift the urethra and bladder back into normal position, making incontinence much less likely.
Pelvic pain
Pelvic pain has many different symptoms and causes. Some of these symptoms are best treated through medication, hormone therapy, and counseling. Surgery treatment for chronic pelvic pain in women is limited to surgically correctable problems like fibroids and endometriosis, so ask your doctor for more information about treatment options if you suffer from chronic pelvic pain.
Some infertility problems may be corrected with laparoscopy on an outpatient basis. Infertility issues and surgical options can be discussed with your doctor during any routine or preventative exam.
Pre-Cancerous Conditions
Pre-cancerous conditions can be surgically treated in a number of ways depending upon a patient's diagnosis. Routine exams and pap smears leading to an early diagnosis can provide for less invasive and more comprehensive treatments for these conditions. Should you be diagnosed with a pre-cancerous condition, ask your doctor about your options for surgical and non-surgical treatments.
Salpingectomy & Tubal Ligation
Salpingectomy and tubal ligation (having the fallopian tubes “tied”) are both methods of permanent birth control. People may choose permanent birth control for health reasons or personal preference. While both tubal ligation and complete salpingectomy are very effective in preventing pregnancy, complete salpingectomy is most effective for contraception and provides the greatest benefit in terms of cancer prevention.
For those seeking a permanent birth control option, Essure is a surgery-free procedure that works with your body creating a natural barrier to prevent pregnancy. It is a quick in-office procedure and most women return to normal activities in less than one day. Essure is proven to be 99.8% effective (based on 4 years of clinical data) and follow-up testing to confirm your tubes are blocked offers additional peace of mind.
Physical Therapy For Pelvic Floor Disorders
Typically, a doctor’s referral is needed to have Pelvic Floor Disorders physical therapy procedures covered by insurance. Contact your family medicine provider to determine if pelvic physical therapy is appropriate for your condition and to receive a referral.
Physical therapy evaluation for pelvic floor disorders is indicated for several medical diagnoses, including incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and pelvic pain.
Some example medical diagnoses include:
Urinary Dysfunction
- Urinary Incontinence (Stress, Urge, or Mixed)
- Overactive Bladder
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Bladder
- Uterus
- Other
Female Pelvic Pain
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Endometriosis
- Pain with intercourse
- Painful menstrual cycles
Physical therapy evaluation for patients referred for any of these diagnoses will generally include:
- Subjective evaluation/Patient history
- Objective evaluation including musculoskeletal exam; posture, gait, and movement analysis; specific pelvic muscle exam including internal evaluation of pelvic muscle tone, pain/trigger points, strength, muscular coordination, etc.
- Assessment of patient’s presentation
- Plan for treatment based on specific evaluation findings and overall assessment
Physical therapy treatments may include:
- Neuromuscular reeducation and strengthening of the pelvic floor musculature
- Pelvic floor internal trigger point techniques
- Biofeedback for Pelvic floor muscles (strengthening or down-training of overactive muscles)
- Electrical stimulation (intravaginal, for strengthening or relaxing overactive muscles)
- Perineal soft tissue mobilization and massage
- Vaginal dilators, weights, etc
- Bladder training