Specialty Clinics

Benign Hematology

The field of hematology covers a wide spectrum of disorders of the blood. Some of these disorders are benign, meaning they resolve completely with therapy, or do not cause symptoms, and do not affect overall lifespan. Some of these benign blood disorders can be chronic and lifelong but, again, do not affect longevity.

Some examples of benign blood disorders include

  • Anemia & Several of its Variations
  • iDiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
  • Low Blood Count
  • Mild Thalassemia
  • Mild Hemophilia
  • Von Willibrand’s Disease
  • Non-Life Threatening Blood Clots
  • Monoclonal Gammopathy (MGUS).

To make an appointment, please contact the CCMH Specialty Clinic at 712.265.2600.

Benign Hematology Providers


Call us at 712.265.2500 or fill out the form below.

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