Our Providers

Douglas Ramos


Douglas Ramos, MD is a Board Certified physician in plastic reconstructive surgery. He is affiliated with Ramos MD, PC in Omaha. Dr. Ramos will see patients for both plastic surgery and dermatology needs. Dr. Ramos has been very active in teaching and academics for medicine at the University level, and has supported the NCAA and Creighton University in a number of roles as a team physician and advisor. Dr. Ramos is the spouse of Dr. Tammy Ramos (Vascular Surgery) who has provided services at CCMH for the past 20 years.

Professional Affiliations:

  • National Committees of American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Tournament physician for the NCAA College World Series and NCAA Basketball Regional Tournament
  • Team physician for the Creighton University Blue Jays
  • Chairman of the Big East Conference and NCAA Health and Safety Committees


  • Graduate of Creighton University School of Medicine
    Omaha, NE
  • Faculty of Stanford University School of Medicine
    Stanford, CA
  • Associate Professor of Surgery at Creighton University School of Medicine
    Omaha, NE
  • Adjunct Professor at Boston College
    Newton, MA


  • General Surgery Residency, Tufts-New England Medical Center
    Boston, MA


  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


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